Category Archives: SERVICE


DANNY PET CLINIC Veterinary Clinic provides surgical and cosmetic surgery services. The services we provide include: Surgical treatment • Cut eyes• Hernia surgery• Tumor surgery• Bone grafting• Urinary stones• Metritis Other surgery • Caesareans• Sterilize male and female dogs and cats• Cut off ears• Cut tail• Cut eyelids

Emergency 24/7

DANNY PET CLINIC provides emergency services 24/7, including holidays. Call DANNY PET CLINIC and bring your pet to the hospital when you see the following signs: • Neurological (shock, convulsions, coma).• Shortness of breath.• Fracture.• Diarrhea.• Severe vomiting.• Enlarged abdomen.• Urinary tract obstruction.• Ingestion of foreign body or poison.• Hard to give birth.• Severely injured.

Prevention of parasites – Vaccination

VaccinationVaccines play an important role in helping to control infectious diseases. To ensure the health of people and pets, pets need to be vaccinated and revaccinated periodically according to the instructions of the doctor. Prevention of parasitesTicks, fleas, lice, scabies, helminths are common organisms found in cats and dogs. There are many ways to prevent […]


DANNY PET CLINIC Veterinary Clinic offers a full service in pet skin care. Service includes: Basic care: bathing brush, nail clipper, ear wash, eye wash.Body care: bathing, brushing, cutting hair, cutting nails, washing ears, washing eyes.Care on demand: bath brush, hair cut on demand, nail clipper, ear wash, eye wash. In addition, we provide individual […]


To assist pet owners in taking care of their pets, DANNY PET CLINIC Veterinary Clinic offers a fixed weekly, overnight, or half-day care package for dogs and cats. DANNY PET CLINIC applies a scientific pet care process, ensuring your pet lives in a safe and clean environment.    •    There is an air conditioning system […]